- Are you worried about your teenager?
- Is your teen defiant, moody and uncooperative?
- Is your teenager depressed or having problems?
- Is peer pressure affecting your teen?
- Do you feel your teenager is out of control?
- Is your teen struggling with negative friends, substance abuse, or anger problems?
Being a teenager is difficult — and so is parenting one! The most common issues between parents and teens arise due to poor communication, intolerance, role confusion, power struggles and/or a mutual lack of understanding. Using the exact same parenting style you did when your teen was younger won’t get positive results — you’ll just exhaust your energy and become the angry, bitter, controlling parent you don’t want to be.
Adolescents tests their limits all the time with alcohol, negative friends/peers, anger, and more. Parenting adolescents is difficult because teens are constantly evolving, learning, changing and challenging authority — and that’s their job, to differentiate themselves from their parents and become adults.
Parenting your adolescent requires thoughtfulness, trust, flexibility and patience. It also requires giving them responsibility for their own decisions, allowing them to make mistakes and take the consequences for their own actions.
Call my office today — I’m ready to start helping you and your teenager build a better relationship.